Ok i`m 11-14 and when i shower or after i shower i run my hands threw my hair and my hair just falls out. (and i mean like big long strands) my hair is shoulder length golden brown and thick. I use a quarter size amount of condition and a little more than a quarter of shampoo. What is wrong with my hair?? And what should i do??
What is wrong is my hair?
well, some poeple loose their hair in many reasons, like, stress or maybe its genetics, or maybe on the product that you use. but some say that we should not comb our hair when its damp. use a comb that has wide spaces. not a brush, it will destroy your hair. when its dry, then you can use brush. or maybe you have an illness or deficiency, like lacking of keratin or vitamin E.
What is wrong is my hair?
your hair could be in poor condition due to diet or some type of chemical imbalance. see a doc if your concerned about the amount of hair you are losing.
What is wrong is my hair?
That happens to me too. Don't worry, there are over 100,000 hairs on your head. Your hair is just its weakest when wet. If you sleep with your hair pulled back, stop. Other than that, you're fine.
What is wrong is my hair?
i have really thick hair....thick hair does that from the strain of ponytail holders...because we have to pull them tighter..just go easy on it for a while
What is wrong is my hair?
it doesn't sound hereditary. People lose a couple hundred or thousand hairs a day...but you sound like it's a sudden thing. Better go to the doctor, maybe dermotologist. Are you under a lot of stress? that'll do it. heredity, pregnancy, pressure...anyone in your family who is/was like that.?
I wouldn't wait to get it checked out; go now.
What is wrong is my hair?
I used to have the same prob. Are you stressed about anything at all? If you are that can make you hair fall out..otherwise, i have thin hair and my aunt taught me a trick , Use the conditioner first and only a TINY TINY BIT and DONT PUT IT ON YOUR SCALP!!! Only use conditier when neccesay on ends of hair.( you should not condition your hair more than twice a week) Then after you condition use your shampoo. This should make a dramatic diffreance.
Hope this helps. Goodluck!
What is wrong is my hair?
hunny it is not uncommon to loose up to 500 strands of hair a day if u think it is more then that go to the Dr. u may have a mild case of alapiecia i am a stylist
What is wrong is my hair?
It's totally normal. You should start worrying only when you're older AND if there's balding in the family.
What is wrong is my hair?
i楹揹ont know but i herd that hummans loose from 100 to 1000 strands of hair everyday.
***you can try this chile(pepper)shampoo
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