Saturday, November 14, 2009

When do you get facial hair?

I am 18 years old, and have facial hair/stubble all over my lower face however, there is a gap from the bottom of my chin to the bottom of my lower lip, a patch where hair doesn't grow at the moment. My dad has stubble growing in this area, and has told me I have hair follicles in that area ready to grow hair, but I was just wondering what are the chances of me growing hair here in the future?

Although it might not seem like a big problem, I want hair to grow hair so I can make patterns on lines with my facial hair.

When do you get facial hair?

Hair thickness and growth rate and where hair grows all depends on genetics. I know of some people whose mustache didnt connect to their chin until they were 24. I also know of someone who could grow a full beard at 16. If your dads grows in that spot, maybe. But I may say look at your grandpa on your moms side. Usually sons take after mothers and daughters take after fathers. Not every time and for everything but usually, most likely it is that way.

See, I have hair genes from my Great Grandpa from my Moms Dads side. Ones that noone else has. So Its hard to say. I'm sure it will grow in the future though so dont worry about it.

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