Saturday, November 14, 2009

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

im losing hair and im only 17, my forhead is just keep geting bigger. will my hair grow back? if not then what can i do? some one please help me.i think its because i use to much gel on my hair but is there a way that it wil grow back by its self or dol have to do somthing to make it grow back. thank

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

Speak to a doctor or dermatologist.

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

Your not getting enough protein!!!

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

use the shampoo main and tail...

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

talk to a doctor!

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

This is a genetic issue. It has nothing to do with the gel. Some people lose their hair at an early age and others do not.

There is nothing wrong with it.

Screw those hair replacement commercials that say "Are you suffering from baldness?"



Screw 'em!

Shave your head, grow a cool goatee and the girls will love you.

My theory is that baldness is part of our continuing evolution. Our species has been losing its hair for millions of years.

You happen to be more evolutionarily advanced than everyone else.

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

You need more protein. Eat fruits and vegetables such as oranges, pears, avacadoes, and bananas to make your hair healthier. Also avoid ubjecting your hair to a lot of heat, avoid ponytails if possible (use banana clips instead of hair ties), condition well, massage your scalp.Also see a doctor or hairdresser for ways to stimulate your scalp more. Olive oil conditioner stimulates roots and encourages growth. Also, avoid excessive brushing and combing, and tight hairdos.

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

When you are losing hair, it is not because of styling products (normal ones) it is either a serious health condition, or you are exaggerating the problem a little bit. Now I will say some things done to your hair can cause severe BREAKAGE, but not complete baldness! (i.e. perming, excessive use of heat, etc.) Maybe you should seek medical attention. If you are exaggerating, it is completely normal to lose up to 400 strands of hair a day, especially in the summer. Good luck!

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?


Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

Three things.

1. First, go to the doctor. It is always possible there is some medical problem causing this.

2. Hair loss is usually genetic. Look at your family, especially the men on your mother's side. Did they lose their hair early? If so, then you likely will too. It is hereditary in most cases, and there is nothing you can do about that.

3. If you are not bold enough to embrace it (Bruce Willis, for example, looks better now bald than he did when he had hair), then there are products you can try to get it to come back. Rogaine works pretty good, though it is icky and difficult to use. There are also pills and other options. Try talking to your doctor about these options, or visit a dermatologist.

Good luck!

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

If you are male, your Testosterone is working. Usually is hard to make the hair grow back again... but you are only 17 years old an may be you have a chance. Do not use to much gel and every time you wash your hair, a good massage in your scalp (with your fingers) can stimulate the blood circulation. A good herbal shampoo can help. Also, in the news papers you can found Hair restoration offices, consult firs, ask for nor charge first visit. Good look.

Im losing so much hair and im only 17? somone plz help me?

Does hair loss run in your family? Are you sure about the quantity? Ask a friend/ family's opinion. I would look at exactly how much hair is on your pillow in the morning, how much is on the drain of your shower/bathtub daily. With this information, a doctor would probably give you the best advice. Try bangs- real short ones are cute and bangs right at eye length is very attractive (and flirty). I don't know anything about the rogaine stuff, maybe someone else does. Yes, and a good nutritious diet is important!!

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