Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do you take care of a child's hair that is mixed?

My daugther's hair is BEAUTIFUL, but it is hard to brush and hard to manage. She is half Native American and Half Haitian; so her hair is curly but not of kinky texture. If you have any remedies that will help ease the brushing process, I would really be grateful. She cries everytime I brush, but her hair is like big ringlets everytime I do, I cannot think of cutting it.

How do you take care of a child's hair that is mixed?

braid it before she goes to bed at night so it isn't tangled in the morning. don't brush it, comb it, and always start at the ends and work your way up. much less pulling that way. i'm bi racial, also and before straightening, my hair was much the same as your daughters. it is a nightmare, and if she want's it cut, let her. it's her hair and she is the poor soul that has to wear it and deal with it. i know you think it looks lovely and no doubt it does, but you should think of how she feels and what she has to put up with.

How do you take care of a child's hair that is mixed?

Have you used a hair pick instead of a brush? I used to use one when I had permed hair and it made it easier. And pull it through small sections instead of from the roots to the ends. As long as it looks good and isn't in tangles, you don't have to over brush it. Also, there are good conditioners and other products that will make the texture easier to work with. Check out the link below.

How do you take care of a child's hair that is mixed?

i would think a comb would be easier, wide tooth comb, or maybe a pick.

How do you take care of a child's hair that is mixed?

My sister has a baby by a nigerian and she uses Dark and Lovely Cholestoral it costs about 4 bucks and can last at least a month or more. I too am NATIVE american and I am Sioux from Rosebud. So check that out and if it dont work then hit me up!!!

How do you take care of a child's hair that is mixed?

Use a product called CHI. You can get it from your hair stylist.

How do you take care of a child's hair that is mixed?

try braiding it. you do her hair and it will last atleast a week and you dont have to worry about do it for that time. try doing it atleast once a week or every two weeks so you wouldnt have to deal with it that often. good luck!

How do you take care of a child's hair that is mixed?

Any kind of conditioner or maybe carrot oil. A wide tooth comb in the bath helps too. Comb conditioner through before rinsing. Braiding before bed will keep tanlges from being as bad.

How do you take care of a child's hair that is mixed?

bye a no lye perm kit my daughter has mixed curly hair it helps to straighten there hair and makes it easier to manage also keep some detangler on hand

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