Thursday, November 12, 2009

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

My son is 10 months old and i hate pouring a cup of water over his head to rinse the soap out. I use a dry hand towel to cover his eyes and absorb some of the water~~ it doesn't work well.

Any ideas??

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

If you only put a bit of water in the bath, you can lie him down on his back and it's then easy to rinse his hair.

Some babies like this, but my daughter prefers the cups of water over her head! :)

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

Tilt his head back and use a washcloth. Get it full of water and then you can squeeze it to control the amount and direction of the water easier. Also at this age you can teach him to lay back in the water and shake his head under the water to rinse it.

Also it works better with a wrung out washcloth over his eyes compared to a dry washcloth. If he's willing to wear them you might consider a pair of baby goggles.

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

I just use a no tears shampoo and use my hands to cup water and rinse.. that way you can controll where you put the water.

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

Bathe him in the kitchen sink and use the hose to like a charm. I hate pouring water could also try using a cup with a spout so it does not go everywhere.

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

If the baby has a hard time with water in his face (most do at a young age) they have these big cup things with a rubber front (they sell at walmart) so it adapts to babies head and you put it on their forheads and pour, it doesn't get in face...I tried looking up the name but can't find it, but at walmart and even target its with all the bath supplies.

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

A little plastic visor like he'd wear on the beach while tilting him back gently...also, rather than using a cup, use a small saucepot of water, that way it's one rinse and done.

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

Use baby soap that won't sting his eyes and just get him used to having water in his face. Use your hand to scoop bathwater over his forehead to rinse off the soap bubbles. If he screams just talk to him and soothe him and get him to understand it's normal.

Our 6 month old lies on his back in the bath with the water level just above his ears, he loves it and thrashes around like crazy. We just lift his head up with one hand and rub the soap on with the other hand, then just put his head back in the bath and use our hand to scoop water over his forehead to rinse off the soap.

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

There is a cup you can buy at walmart called a "shampoo rinse cup". This cup works wonders. It has a rubber side that fits flush to the child's head. You can also get one at:

Another idea is try using a foam visor.

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

There are a few ways the I learned after I had my daughter. The best way that I found to work is to cradle the baby's head in one hand. Then with the other you should cup it and use your hand to rinse the baby's hair. You always seem to get just enough water with out making you feel like you are drowning your child. And if you want to just roll up the wash cloth and place it just above the baby's eye brows. Just in case you bring the water a little to far forward with your hand.

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

I have a little bath chair, but your baby might be too big for it... it is great because it leans the baby back at an angle but keeps the baby comfortable too:

I also use a wet washcloth for rinsing, instead of pouring water.

Otherwise, they sell special bath visors, you might try that:

PS if you buy something from, you can use this link and Amazon will make a donation to a baby charity:

A good way to rinse soap babies hair in the big bath tub?

Tip his head back and cup your hand above his forehead while using the other hand to pour the water.

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